Alright...before I even get started I would like to let everyone know up front that I love both of these shows and watch them all the time. However, I think that they are completely unrealistic half of the time. Lets just break down some of the crap they are trying to say is 'real life': #1. Most of them are 16 or 17 years old. #2. Either didn't graduate high school, got there GEDs, and some are even going to college which is awesome! #3. Most are single mothers. And this is where it gets a little crazy... Lets take Maci's or Farrah's situations for example shall we? Keep in mind that they are ALWAYS complaining about being "broke". -Both have nice ass apartments.-Maci moved 100miles away to Nashville to be with a guy...with no job.- Both always have Acrylic nails...a small thing you may think but at 35+ bucks a adds up.-Maci is driving around with a brand new Dodge Charger...really? draw your on conclusion. I'm just saying that these shows are in...they are for entertainment! Its kinda scary to think that some young girls out there watch these shows and envy them. Or even go as far as getting pregnant themselves to become 'famous'.
Well...Teen Mom 2 is starting soon so talk to you guys later!! lol <3
She said What...?!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Sad Sad Sunday... :(
Its Sunday. And its sad...
Its not just any Sunday. Its the Sunday before school starts up again. For the past month while Ive been on winter break I have not had to get up, get dressed, and be a functioning part of society before 10am. On the bright will be nice to join that living world in the mornings. But don't you fret...its only two days a I just had a tangent you guys remember the show "Sister Sister" on the Disney channel? Ya know...the comedy with Tia and Tamera Mowry, twin sisters that were separated at birth but now live Well...the point of this random thought is not them...but there neighbor Roger (Marques Houston). In the show, he was kinda like a spin off of Steve Urkle from 'Family Matters'. Annoying the twins, he quickly coined the phrase..."Go Home Roger!". But let me tell you...Tia and Tamera would have never dissed him if they would have been able to look 15 years into the future!!! Lets just let these pictures speak for themselves..... :)
One word.... DAMNNNN !!
mm mm mmmmm lol
Saturday, January 8, 2011
T-minus SIX MONTHS and Counting!

Oh I really can't wait for summer! I'm so sick of the cold. I'm sick of the crappy roads. And having to get up extra early to warm up my go out on to the crappy roads! No sun shine is such a downer. Ugh! At times like this...there are a few tricks to make this time of year just a little bit more bearable. #1. Go tanning! It's like fake sun...makes you look and feel better. #2. Clean the house up! A little Pre-Spring Cleaning never hurt anybody! #3. Listen to upbeat music! It helps your mood and reminds you of warmer weather. Visit my "Lyrics For Life" page for a list of summer songs! One of my faves is Summer Girl by Jessica Andrews! Have a listen!! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <3
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Other pages....up there ^^ :)
Hey guys.
Slowly but surely Ive been updating the other pages to my blog. They are all works in progress and I will be adding more and more all the time so keep stopping by to see whats up! Thanks and I hope everyone has a great New Years!!!
Slowly but surely Ive been updating the other pages to my blog. They are all works in progress and I will be adding more and more all the time so keep stopping by to see whats up! Thanks and I hope everyone has a great New Years!!!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Gift returns, Rude people and Awesomeness !
Today was the dreaded... *dun dun dun*... 'Day of Returns'!!! Streets are crazy. Malls are packed. And every one seems to have a chip on there shoulder. What the heck?? Is there some rule that says you have to go back to being an asshole as soon as the holidays are over? Hmmm...Ill have to look in that one. lol. Anyways, I went on the annual return mission with my mom to Sams Club , Target, and Kohls... UGH... and almost had to have a parking lot rumble with some people in a red truck trying to jack a parking spot we had been waiting for. It was seriously like something out of a movie. We were right there...turn signal on! Needless to say we still managed to slip in before Mr. Impatient could. Ya mom was driving and she used to be a school bus driver... and ya just don't mess with bus drivers....end of
If you read the title of this little blog you're prolly wondering...'Where's the Awesomeness part?'. Well hold on...I'm getting there!! :) Okay well on our way home I saw something that was crazy cool in the sky. 'Was it a bird?".... "No." "Was it a plane?"...." Nope." Okay okay... I'm not exactly sure what it was. Ive seen some amazing colorful sky's in my day but this one takes the cake. I can't even explain it but not to worry...I took a picture!
If you read the title of this little blog you're prolly wondering...'Where's the Awesomeness part?'. Well hold on...I'm getting there!! :) Okay well on our way home I saw something that was crazy cool in the sky. 'Was it a bird?".... "No." "Was it a plane?"...." Nope." Okay okay... I'm not exactly sure what it was. Ive seen some amazing colorful sky's in my day but this one takes the cake. I can't even explain it but not to worry...I took a picture!
What's the point?
Why am I writing this blog? What am I gonna talk about?
That's a tricky one. But I'll do my best to conjure up a definite answer for you...
Hmmm... well I guess my whole point of writing this blog is to inform, inspire, and maybe even put a smile on your face. I am going to be blogging about the good, the bad, the great, the random, the infuriating, wonders of life.
Blogging about everyday life is BORING!! :(
No, no. This is not what it will be. :) Life is an amazing gift and you can find humor in every nook and cranny of it. ....Life's boring...haha...never heard such a crazy thing!! lol.
<3 Learn to love life and the rest will follow. <3
That's a tricky one. But I'll do my best to conjure up a definite answer for you...
Hmmm... well I guess my whole point of writing this blog is to inform, inspire, and maybe even put a smile on your face. I am going to be blogging about the good, the bad, the great, the random, the infuriating, wonders of life.
Blogging about everyday life is BORING!! :(
No, no. This is not what it will be. :) Life is an amazing gift and you can find humor in every nook and cranny of it. ....Life's boring...haha...never heard such a crazy thing!! lol.
<3 Learn to love life and the rest will follow. <3
The First of MANY!!
Hi there and welcome to my first blog. I'm still very new to this whole blogging situation...a little intimadiate to be honest...but excited about it. :)
So...Who am I?
Well that's a good question...
So...Who am I?
Well that's a good question...
- I am a twenty-one years old girl
- Born and raised in a small town just west of Cleveland, Ohio.
- I am a student.
- I am an artist.
- I am a talker. Oh boy am I a talker...or so Ive been told.
- I love life and all the things it has to offer.
- I've got being broke down to a
- I use Smilies, 'lol', and "..." all to often while typing, but its just what I (See? :] )
- I'm full of opinions and don't worry...I share them.
- I hate jellybeans.
- I'm scared to death of bees.
- I'm still learning who I am...but as I figure it out...I'll let you know. :)
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